
In the early 1970s, National Geographic ran an extensive series of articles investigating claims of long-lived people around the world. 

The Hunza people, who lived in the Hunza Valley in Northern Pakistan, were one of those peoples. They became fascinating case studies of the unique region in which they live. No one really knows how long the Hunza people live, but some estimate 120 years. Physicians examined the Hunza and made their best guesses to how old the people were. 

Without focusing too much on documented maximum age, the truly extraordinary fact is that all reports of the Hunza mention that the elderly population is completely healthy, fit, full of vitality, and virtually free from disease, which holds true even today. So, how do the Hunza keep themselves so healthy? In short, diet, exercise, and naturally ionized water. Their diet basically consists of apricots, cherries, grapes, plums, and peaches. They also eat a lot of grains — wheat, barley, and millet — and chapati, their daily bread.

Research has proven conclusively that the major common denominator of the vitality of this people is their local water source. 

Doctor Henri Coanda, the Romanian father of fluid dynamics and a Nobel Prize winner at 78 yrs old, spent six decades studying the Hunza water trying to determine what it was in this water that caused such beneficial effects for the body. He discovered that it had a different viscosity and surface tension. Doctor Patrick Flanagan and others continued the research. 

They found Hunza water had a high alkaline pH and an extraordinary amount of active hydrogen (hydrogen with an extra electron), with a negative Redox Potential and a high colloidal mineral content.

The water is living and provides health benefits that other types of drinking water cannot. The energy contained in the water is from the process of natural ionization and micro-clustering that comes from rolling down a rocky mountain spring. Similar natural water properties and longevity are found in other remote unpolluted places across the world. In many cases, people have travelled great distances to gain access to these "healing waters". We are offering a way for you to get access to all these performance enhancing properties, right in your home! Here's how!


pH is measured on a scale ranging from 0 - 14 with 0 being the most acidic and 14 being the most alkaline. In order to transport oxygen throughout the body, our blood needs to maintain a pH level of approximately 7.365 - 7.45 which is slightly alkaline. Even though our bodies store excess alkaline reserves to buffer acids, if you’re eating a conventional diet filled with pesticides and processed foods and drinking acidic bottled water, your reserve has likely depleted. This is not good because these reserves are mainly contained in your bones, joints, and connective tissues. Over time this process can result in significant dis-ease within the body. Our lifestyles with all the convenience of modern high society, with our fast food and designer beverages are outstripping our bodies ability to buffer the acids and fight oxidative stress.

The human body naturally produces free radicals and antioxidants to counteract their damaging effects. However, in most cases, free radicals far outnumber the naturally occurring antioxidants. Antioxidants benefit the body by neutralizing and removing the free radicals from the bloodstream.

By drinking water that contains smaller structured molecules, such as electrolyzed-reduced water, you can hydrate your body more quickly and effectively. Structured water also enhances energy levels and improves your overall aerobic capacity as well as prevents premature aging. Because water molecules are better able to penetrate cell walls and and  "wash away" the nasty buildup in your body caused by years of metabolizing food (Essentially, carry oxygen in and waste out.) Electrolyzed-reduced water is also easily absorbed into the intestines to help cleanse the colon. 

Electrolyzed Reduced Water helps to counteract the effects of our SAD diet, stress, and exposure to environmental toxins such as smog and radio frequency emissions from technology. Over time, environmental exposures cause the cells to lose resting voltage potential and become unstable through the loss of electrons on the outer cell membrane. The cell will need to replenish this charge, so it will become a "free radical" cell which will steal electrons from neighboring cells causing replication of free radical cells.

To put this simply, free radicals are unstable atoms. To become stable again, they take electrons from other atoms. This will contribute to the oxidative stress cycle within the body, causing an increased onset of disease and aging. To combat this process, you need antioxidants which can act as electron donors for the unstable atoms, reverting them to a "stable" and healthy state.

Electrolyzed-Reduced Water contains Activated Molecular Hydrogen, the most powerful electro-chemical antioxidant in known existence.

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